
List of standing committees
Committiee Activity Link
Board of Directors Makes decisions on the basic policies regarding the management and administration of the Society.
Administration and Finance Investigates and implements financial administration and membership activities.
Planning Investigates and implements the measures concerning philosophies, visions and future concepts of the Society.
Awards and Commendations Deliberates and selects the candidates recommended for receiving awards from the Society or other organizations for the purpose of promoting academics and technologies.
Editorial Board Edits and publishes the Society Journal, in both English and Japanese.
Subcommittee Administration Promotes projects, such as annual meetings, general meetings and symposiums, as well as administers the subcommittees and liaison committees.
Education Conducts surveys and investigations, as well as provides support and implements personnel training activities on atomic energy education.
Ethics Investigates the operation of the Code of Ethics, as well as implements lectures, etc.
(Japanese Only)
Public Information Distributes information within the Society, disseminates information to the society, investigates and implements the measures concerning the digitization of the Society.
Chapter Conference Facilitates communications and coordinates between branches.
Fellow Recommendation Deliberates on the selections of fellows.
Gender Equality Plans and administers the projects for equal opportunity.
(Japanese Only)
Standards Establishes, maintains and manages the standards relating to atomic energy.
Scholarship Selects scholarship students and administers scholarship funds.