* 放射線工学部会ニュースレター    2008−12号(375号)*
*                     2008年 7月 7日 *
*                       放射線工学部会発行 *


関連部会により、第4回日韓合同サマースクール (The 4th Japan-Korea Joint
Summer School on Accelerator and Beam Science, Nuclear Data, Radiation
Engineering and Reactor Physics) を開催いたします。参加締切

サマースクールウェブサイト: http://meteor.nucl.kyushu-u.ac.jp/aesjss08

The 4th Japan-Korea Joint Summer School on Accelerator and Beam Science,
Nuclear Data, Radiation Engineering and Reactor Physics

Date: August 5 - 8, 2008 Place: Ito Campus, Kyushu University, Fukuoka,
Japan Topics: High burnup fuel, Fast breeder reactor, Accelerator driven
subcritical system, Evaluated nuclear data library, Radiation cancer
therapy, Synchrotron radiation application, Advanced radiation measurement

Student poster session will be arranged on August 6th. All student
participants are required to take a poster smaller than A0 size.

Practices on particle transport code, reactor operation and accelerator
performance will be held. A student participant will get a credit on
internship if he / she submit a report on a practice.

Fee: Pay a fee at reception in JPY cash.
- Jpanese Student and Staff (stay at the university dormitory): 14,000 JPY
- Japanese Student and Staff (NOT stay at the university dormitory):
5,000 JPY - Korean Student: free - Korean Staff (stay at the university
dormitory): 14,000 JPY
- Korean Staff (NOT stay at the university dormitory): 5,000 JPY
- Lecturer: free

Registration: Go to registration page as follows:
Dead line is July 18th.

Textbook: Printed textbooks will not be handed out at this summer
school. Every participant should download the textbook material at this
website yourself. The material will be uploaded late July.

Director: ISHIBASHI, Kenji, Kyushu University Secretary: SHIGYO,
Nobuhiro, Kyushu University


ニュースレター担当:伊藤主税(原子力機構) ito.chikara@jaea.go.jp

Hideo Hirayama

Applied Research Laboratory
KEK, High Energy Accelerator Research Organization
1-1, Oho, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, 305-0801, Japan