海外情報連絡会 平成13年度 第3回講演会 要旨

(Role and Perspective of Nuclear Power Generation in Europe)

日本原子力発電   Luigi Colreto 氏

In 1999, nuclear power plants provided 35 percent of the energy used for electricity generation in the European Union (EU). However, under the existing National energy policies, a significant reduction of the nuclear share in EU electricity supply is expected by 2020.

As stated in the European Commission's (EC) "green paper" for security of energy supply, the future of Nuclear Power as a viable energy option in Europe is strictly linked with nuclear waste issue. Recommendations to increase waste-related R&D activities have been reflected in the EC's fifth R&D Framework program (FP5), setting out the priorities for the European Union's research activities for the period 1998-2002.

To this regard, it is worthwhile noticing the support granted to two long-term initiatives, gathering several organizations from different Countries, that might have a determinant role in the strategic solution of the high level waste issue:

1) The European Technical Network for High Temperature Rectors (HTR-TN) has been established to address the technical issues of HTR concepts and the enhancement of waste minimization potentialities. Its 15-years R&D program will be almost entirely performed through cost-shared projects in the current and next Framework Programs.

2) In the field of TRU transmutation, several National efforts have been coordinated in a single European R&D Roadmap for Accelerator Driven System (ADS), which should lead to the operation of the Experimental ADS (XADS) by 2015, a prototype system by 2030 and finally industrial application from 2050.